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Leadership: involves leading and influencing others. A good manager must be a good leader who has the ability to influence the behavior of others, to encourage them to have confidence, respect, and push them to work with enthusiasm and the best possible mood.
Business economics is the branch of economic science that aims to study the economic facts that occur in the company and that tries to explain in a scientific way its activities, its functions and its decision-making criteria.
The content of business economics can be understood from a positive approach that is dedicated to the description of the reality in which the company moves and how it operates….
A pricing strategy is a segment of long-term basic rate settlement where the value of a certain product and the pre-established direction for price flow changes throughout the life existence of that product are fixed. In addition, it is worth…
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Empresa Iniciativa Empresarial (Les Formes jurídiques de l empresa) -UNITAT 4- 1. Legislació aplicable Codi Civil (Llibre IV, Títol VIII, arts. 1.665 al 1.708), RD de 24 de juliol de 1889. Commercial Code,
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Josep Maria Puig, Roser Batlle, Carme Bosch, Josep Palos Aprenentatge servei Educar per a la ciutadania OCTAEDRO Títol: Aprenentatge servei. Educació per a la ciutadania Authors: Josep Maria Puig, Roser Batlle, Carme Bosch, Josep Palos.
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