
Ines martin alcalde collection

Ines martin alcalde collection

Inés martín alcalde: «for me, harmony is the key».

After calling several times to make an appointment and never answering, she agrees to make me a video call… that call does not happen… she calls me again and we make a new appointment, always adapting to me, and that call does not happen either. If she is so lax to talk to future clients I do not want to imagine ….
A great disappointment. Shortly after we saw a dress almost identical to ours, when it was supposed to be exclusive. Ours was delivered torn and we had to sew it ourselves. All the fittings were a nightmare and ruined our dress moment, fortunately the wedding and everything else went great.
To be a woman of flag, first you need to be a woman of trenches… Do not miss the tribute that Verderón and Inés Martín Alcalde have dedicated to all those women who have made history in our lives.

Ariana grande, justin bieber, kim kardashian weddings

Instagram works very well in the world of brides because in the end when they decide to get married, many times they don’t know what they want. The eye becomes more and more clinical, and when they see several photos they decide what they like. They get an idea of what they want to wear. It’s a source of images to inspire them.
I’ve never used the networks for advertising, I haven’t needed it for now. But I recognize that people know me thanks to it. I always ask brides how they got to know me, and most of them are through the network.
Leti’s and my role as businesswomen has always been to work, fight and move this forward. I come to work to enjoy myself, though. I had never stopped to think about this until this pandemic arrived and I realized that you have to move this company forward to feed everyone who works for you. Up until then it had always worked very well. I had never thought about the company I had created until I was confined and I stopped to think about things. All this has helped me to have more strength and to want to create a bigger company.

Entrevista a inés martín alcalde | diseñadora de vestidos de

«Diseñé mi primera colección para la marca de ropa de mujer Moka. Diseñé estampados para Karma Design. Trabajé como escaparatista, estilista, organización de tiendas y hablando con las franquicias en Coronel Tapiocca, en Madrid, España. Trabajé como voluntaria en Calcuta en la organización benéfica de la Madre Teresa ayudando a personas mayores, trabajé como voluntaria en Madrid cocinando para personas sin hogar.»
«Mi pasión son las huellas. Me encanta pasear por la calle y encontrar cosas diferentes, como plástico de burbujas, corteza de árbol, flores viejas para pintarlas. Para crear estampados, también me encanta abrir la caja de herramientas de mi padre, coger silicona, tipos de mascarilla o nueces. Captar y entender la elegancia y la feminidad de la mujer, con estilos clásicos y cómodos para cualquier ocasión. Creo que los estampados son lo más importante de una prenda, y la forma debe ser muy sencilla. Diseñar y ponérselo», esa es mi teoría. Soy la diseñadora y modelo de Moka, de Inesmartinalcalde, porque creo que no hay mejor manera de ponerse la ropa cuando la has diseñado».

50 seconds with inés martín alcalde

For the meal, as not all the guests could fit in the hall, we attached a transparent tent that was adjacent and almost seemed to be built. To give it the careful but natural look we were looking for and to cover the transparent roof, the SR Event Plan production team upholstered everything with natural-colored retor that we placed with different drops from side to side, just like inside the hall. Interspersed with dry branches and ivy hanging from the ceiling that the Elena Suárez & Co. team placed.
You know what a fan I am of the imperial tables, and we were very lucky that Inés thought the same as us, so finally, all the guests were distributed in long tables of different sizes in both rooms.